Saturday, April 27, 2013

The One I Don't Remember

During my year long streak, I had to have a minor outpatient surgery performed. My surgery was scheduled for 8 AM and I assumed, incorrectly, that after an afternoon resting at home, I would be able to head out again and find my daily cache. During surgery prep, I was told I wouldn't be able to drive for a full 24 hours! Oh no! How would I find my cache? Five and a half months into my streak and all for naught if I can't get to a cache today.

"Manzana, I know you've already given so generously of your time to come and sit with me during my surgery. But, do you think you could take me to find a cache after this is over?"

"Of course, what are friends for?"

I am so lucky to have a friend like Manzana.

After coming around from the anesthesia, Manzana loaded me up and off we go. "There's one just up the street!" As we pull up to the cache, Under the Big W, I stumble out of the car and amazingly make it to GZ without getting hit by a car or running into anything.  I say amazingly, because my ability to focus is pretty much nonexistent at this point. Seeing beyond my cell phone GPS dial is a bit beyond me at the moment. I just keep walking in the direction of the arrow. Right now, I am the least stealthiest person on the planet.

We pull the cache out of its hiding spot and I croak,"We found it!" Manzana desperately tries to shush me, as a neighbor walking his dog glances questioningly over at us, but I'm already starting to tip the contents of the cache onto the sidewalk. She grabs the cache just in time to keep it intact. "Let's just sign the log," she advises. Good plan.

Having successfully found a cache for today, Manzana and I celebrate over a quick breakfast before she drops me off at home to rest. Throughout our meal, I proceed to tell her all the post-op instructions the doctor gave me. She just smiles and nods.

Later that evening, I get a phone call from Manzana checking up on me.
"How you feeling?"
"Not too bad," I explain.
"Did you know that we found your cache and went to breakfast?" she asks me.
"Yeah, but I'm kind fuzzy on the details... could you fill me in?"
As she tells me the story, she laughs and says, "The best part was how you kept telling me all the post-op instructions the doctor gave you - when I was sitting right next to you as the doctor explained it the first time."

Thanks to Manzana, the streak lived on for another day. What would I do without her?

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