Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Missing Racers Allowed to Re-Enter

We have several travelbugs that have been marked missing, and we want to give them the opportunity to re-enter the race. Here's what I'm proposing - open to suggestions.

Racers may re-enter the race with a new travelbug 6 months after being marked missing. Travelbugs may be marked as missing by their owners, but they must wait the full 6 months before re-entering the race. Racers must use a new travelbug tracking number. If their first travelbug turns up at some point down the road, they may continue to accumulate points via both active travelbugs. Travelbugs that are being entered as replacements may use any keychain/dogtag they wish - or they can ask for a copy to be made of the original bug. Racers may re-enter the race only once. If their second travelbug goes missing, the have officially left the race (unless their travelbugs reappear).

The following bugs will be able to re-enter the race under these rules:
Bookworm - Missing 8/20/11, Eligible to re-enter 2/20/12
Bucket St James - Missing 2/26/12, Eligible to re-enter 8/26/12
Bug Bug - Missing 10/17/11, Eligible to re-enter 4/17/12
Tiny - Missing 12/18/11, Eligible to re-enter 6/18/12

So for those racers who are stalled out somewhere, if you think your travelbug is missing - mark it as missing so the 6 month count down clock can start ticking!

Also, I've given each racer their own specific page. Some of you were sharing pages because blogger only gave us 10 pages to work with. Now we have enough to go around! Whoo hooo! As a result, the link listed on geocaching.com may no longer be correct. I'm trying to get everything squared away and then send out emails asking for racers to update their travelbug page on geocaching.com to list the correct link.

AND... the most exciting news of all!  A new racer will be joining the race soon! Stay tuned for more details about our latest racer. Happy travels!

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