Our family is all about healthy competition. We decided to have a race with our travelbugs, starting them out at the Geocaching Block Party in Seattle, WA on August 20, 2011. Our race began with 15 travelbugs representing various cachers within our extended family and friends. As we met fellow cachers at the Block Party, we asked them to participate in our race by drawing one of our travelbugs out of our yellow drawstring bag (courtesy of the game bananagrams). We had a great time at the block party and enjoyed launching our race at such a momentous event.

The order our racers were entered into the race:
The Meisters
The Artful Dodger
Nanu x 2
Bug Bug
Indy Car
Bookworm (Never moved beyond the block party)

The Amazing Bug Race continues to evolve; tasks change and points are awarded. BucketStJames maintains this site, while Meisters and Bug Bug assist with point tracking and updating. We are having a blast and hope you enjoy the race as well!

*We reserve the right to modify this race at any point. Points are awarded arbitrarily and are subject to revision based upon family discussion. We do our best to be fair and honest in all rule making and enforcing. No guarentees - this is family after all.

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